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How to Morning Karaoke

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So you think you can sing karaoke in the morning?

Some people are scared to sing karaoke in the morning and say “I think it is impossible”.

Guess what!?

It is not!

Here we give you a step by step guide on how you can organize your first successful Morning Karaoke session!

What do you need?

To have a nice morning (karaoke), you only need a handful of ingredients: Great! Now you are ready!

  1. A morning (ca. 08.00 to 09.00)
  2. Coffee
  3. Ginger shots
  4. Coffee
  5. People
  6. Microphone
  7. Karaoke-enabled screen (perhaps YouTube)
  8. A place to karaoke

8 o’clock and time to shine!

If you have gathered everything you need (see the list), you are ready!
Now you need someone to sing!

Breaking the 8 in the morning singing barrier

For some, singing karaoke is an infused evening endeavor. Singing before most people have checked their mails can therefore be difficult.
Fear not!
We have gathered the best tricks to grab life by the place it should be grabbed, so that you and all your friends are ready to start the day with the bangiest bangers that exists!

Great tips for getting it started

  1. Sing “Let’s get it started” by The Black Eyed Peas
  2. Everybody sings along to a song
  3. Karaoke Carousel
  4. Challenge someone
  5. Show them who is the bossy boss
  6. Sing a nice duet
  7. See if anyone is still kind of tipsy from last night
  8. Sit in silence and see if anything happens

Activities during morning karaoke

During the hour of bliss you spend with people who also showed up, there are many activities you can do. Aside from the obvious get people to sign up and sing, we recommend you to organize at least two rounds of THE KARAOKE CAROUSEL

The Karaoke Carousel

During THE KARAOKE CAROUSEL you pick a song and pass the microphone like erm… the Argentinian beverage that is sent around. The idea is that everyone sings a bit of the song, and just like that, people who have been reluctant to sing have all of a sudden participated in their very first Morning Karaoke! Applause to you and your people present at the Morning Karaoke event!

9 o’clock already, work (and other things) await!

It's just the beginning, it's not the end. Things will never be the same again. It's not a secret anymore. Now we've opened up the door of Morning Karaoke.
Now however, the event is over and everyone must leave in a hurry to catch what every thing they pretend they need to do
Right before everyone leaves, however, we recommend you to sing a song together as a nice way to start the day. We are the Champions by Queen has been a banger before, but the choice is yours.

Have a nice day, and good luck!